Planning your career in the Law
What type of law firm suits you?
Reading up on every firm would be madness. So here's a sane way to begin shortlisting.
Learn about the legal recruitment market
Some of the industry’s insiders tell us how you can prepare for today’s market.
On-campus interviews
Chambers Associate interviews the interviewers to help guide you through the OCIs.
What recruiters are looking for
When you're sat across the table from someone at interview, what are they analysing? What gets you there in the first place?
Summer programs
The halcyon days of extravagant spending might be over, but BigLaw summer associate programs by and large remain a decent mix of solid work experience and merry social jamborees...
Clerking for a judge is a great way to kick-start your career as a litigator...
We interview the those at the vanguard of this hot topic.
Pro bono
Doing your bit for society, or advancing your legal skills – whichever way you look at it, pro bono does a world of good.